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MacKay says Alliance is putting him on the spot

(PoliticsWatch posted Sept 24, 2003) OTTAWA -- The possible merger between the Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservatives appears to be in trouble after media leaks about the discussions between the parties' emissaries has angered Tory Leader Peter MacKay and members of his caucus. 

When MacKay was asked if the Alliance was putting him on the spot with the leaks he said, "Of course they are." 

"I'm not interested in playing this kind of game," said a somewhat agitated MacKay when talking to reporters this afternoon. "I'm interested in following what I felt was a genuine, honest effort at looking for ways to cooperate and to do so in a respectful way. I can't even take proposals back to the caucus without reading them in the paper."

In the last 24 hours, there have been numerous leaks, which MacKay and one of his emissaries involved in the talks, Tory MP Loyola Hearn, said are coming from the Alliance. 

CTV news reported that sources told them the major stumbling block in the talks was how to choose a new leader and that 13 of the 14 points put forward in Alliance Leader Stephen Harper's proposal were approved. Canwest reported "an Alliance official close to the talks" said the leadership selection process is a sticking point. And the Globe and Mail reported that "sources close to the talks" said the sides are inching toward a possible deal to form a united front in the next election and on a series of issues, including the structure of the party, financing and a party name, which could be the Conservative Party of Canada.

The talks involve three representatives from each of the parties. Former finance minister Don Mazankowski, former Ontario premier Bill Davis and Tory House Leader Loyola Hearn are the Tory reps. Reform Party co-founder Ray Speaker, Alliance Senator Gerry St. Germain and Alliance MP Scott Reid are negotiating for the Alliance. 

"There's all kinds of things that happened that could have derailed this and we continued in good faith," said MacKay. "But it's getting extremely difficult and the frustration level is high, certainly on our side."

Not only are the Tories denying things said by unnamed sources in newspapers, but they are now contradicting on-the-record, public comments made by Alliance Leader Stephen Harper to CBC News this morning. 

Harper said that the talks had concluded and that the two groups of emissaries were working on a report. 

But MacKay denied that. 

"There is no report. There are no conclusions that have been drawn.

"We've had two meetings. So how on earth are we going to resolve something of this magnitude in that period of time in two meetings?"

MacKay said if Harper thinks the talks are over then "I guess he's abandoning the process, if that's his assessment."

Meanwhile, Alliance Deputy House Leader Chuck Strahl said his party is ready to go with a merger and are all holding their breaths waiting for the Tories. 

"Our caucus is ready to go," he said. "Canadians are there already. We think our party membership understands the desirability of it."

"Nobody's holding a gun to anybody's head. It's an option that we think is a good idea for Canadians and the conservative movement." 

Check out these related stories:

arrow-trans.gif (111 bytes) Merger talks resume
arrow-trans.gif (111 bytes) Harper, MacKay cautious on possible merger 
arrow-trans.gif (111 bytes) Talks between MacKay, Harper informal and infrequent
arrow-trans.gif (111 bytes) MacKay "interested" in hearing Harper's vote-splitting solution

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